Future Protocol Development

Submit a Protocol Concept

The Reserve welcomes protocol concept suggestions from interested stakeholders at any time. The concepts can be submitted via the form below, which is designed to address questions that the Reserve will explore when determining a concept’s potential for standardized protocol development under the Reserve program. Before submitting a concept form, please review the information below concerning the concept review process, important criteria considered by staff for protocol development, and the Reserve’s summary of previously submitted concepts.

The form should be filled out with the best available information and emailed to [email protected].

Project Concept Review Process

The timeline for scoping new project concepts varies depending on the project type and available information. Staff conducts brief internal reviews of the concept and supporting documentation before meeting as a team once a month to discuss the project type. If there is good potential for protocol development then staff will conduct further internal research. If the project type shows promise for developing a standardized protocol, the Reserve will host a formal public scoping meeting. Following the scoping meeting, there may be a protocol kickoff meeting which initiates the protocol development process. From that point forward, the process may take 6 to 12 months, or more, depending on the project type.

For more information on the protocol development process, please see the Reserve Program Manual.

If you have questions about project concepts or the submission process, please contact the Reserve.