Meet Chloe Ney, Analytical Associate

Meet Chloe Ney, Analytical Associate

1. What drives your environmental work and activism?

The belief that everyone deserves to live and flourish on a healthy, thriving planet including future generations to come.

2. What was one of your most exciting and rewarding achievements?

Completing my Climate Corps Fellowship with the Los Angeles Community College District. I learned so much about connecting with different stakeholders to help them identify effective climate action strategies and built really meaningful relationships along the way.

3. What are your favorite and frequently visited climate or news sites, and why?

My personal favorites for climate news are The Guardian, Grist, Vox, Resources for the Future, and Sammy Roth’s Boiling Point newsletter for the L.A. Times. They all provide digestible and engaging content about complex climate crisis issues and how they intersect with other social and political problems we face.

4. What is a tip you’d like to share for leading a more sustainable life?

I’d say try finding the most sustainable way for you to be sustainable. Identify actions for yourself that are easy, free/save money, and that you enjoy so you’re able to keep them up in the long run. Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, founder of the Urban Ocean Lab think tank to help coastal cities adapt to climate change, cohost of the podcast How to Save a Planet, co-founder of the All We Can Save Project, and one of my personal heroes, created this really great graphic back in March of this year designed to help anyone get started with taking climate action:

We all have a part to play (some greatly more so than others), so find one consistent practice you feel benefits both you and the planet, and then go from there!

5. Please share a personal story that ties in with one of the Reserve’s protocol sectors (ie story about your experiences composting, enjoying a forest, milking cows, recycling your refrigerator, mining coal)

I’m very fortunate to live in one of the areas of L.A. with robust tree cover. Tree cover in L.A. County is fairly uneven between neighborhoods and cities because of historic public policies, like redlining, that diverted public investment away from many communities and resulted in infrastructure equity issues that we still grapple with today. I take walks through my neighborhood daily to stay, you know, sane, and the trees that line the paths I take play a big part in that. Urban tree cover has been shown to provide not only ecological benefits to neighborhoods (including but not limited to improving air quality, reducing the urban heat island effect, and decreasing energy use), but has also been linked to providing strong social and psychological benefits for neighborhood residents as well. Everyone deserves access to the benefits that trees provide and to nature in general, so I’ve always really admired urban tree planting efforts.

6. What is your opinion on the progress of climate policy and carbon markets (any level, intl, federal, state etc)?

Lots of work needs to be done quickly at every scale to protect vulnerable communities from the first and worst impacts of climate disaster, on both the climate change mitigation and adaptation fronts. We’re far behind where we need to be on climate policy to address these issues and are now seeing and feeling the detrimental impacts of entering a climate crisis unprepared. We still have time to get it right if we act with urgency and seriousness, and especially need those actors who have contributed most to the creation of climate crisis to be accountable for the role they have to play in reducing global emissions.

7. If you could spend one week in a natural area in the U.S., where would it be?

I’m dying to go check out Olympic National Park in Washington.

8. What is an environmental book that you think should be required reading in schools?

“Dumping in Dixie” by Dr. Robert Bullard.

9. What is your favorite meal?

I am super lactose intolerant, but it’s mac ‘n cheese for sure. Worth it.

10. What emerging opportunities in climate / carbon excites you the most?

Saving the planet and having a place to live !

11. What is something you’d like to achieve during your first year with the Reserve?

I’m excited to learn about the protocol development and approval processes for new methodologies—definitely hoping I’ll get to participate in both!

12. What are some of your favorite books/movies/tv shows/podcasts etc?

I love all things paranormal and true crime—especially when they’re mixed in with a healthy dose comedic relief. My favorite show is “What We Do in the Shadows” (the movie is killer too) which is a comedy about a house of vampires living in modern day Staten Island, N.Y. Favorite podcasts include “And That’s Why We Drink”, which is a comedy podcast about all things paranormal and true crime, and most anything from Parcast.


Register for the Landfill Verification Protocol Training on September 22

Register for the Landfill Verification Protocol Training on September 22

“The temperature is rising – on my plate.” Check out our latest Scoville Warming Potential interview w Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes of Wisconsin! Learn about the Lt Gov’s work to bring equity and access to #climatesolutions.

“The temperature is rising – on my plate.” Check out our latest Scoville Warming Potential interview w Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes of Wisconsin! Learn about the Lt Gov’s work to bring equity and access to #climatesolutions.

Meet Rachel Mooney, Analytical Associate

Meet Rachel Mooney, Analytical Associate

1. What drives your environmental work and activism?

I originally became interested in environmental work in high school when I took a weather and climate course and learned about how ice cores can inform us about past climates. Since then, it has grown into a passion for learning and informing others about how climate change and fossil fuels impact environmental justice. Unfortunately, other issues tend to garner more attention by politicians and the media, so I’ve wanted to play a more active role in environmental policy. So, I shifted from chemistry to policy where I can use my expertise in both to bridge the gap between science and policy. This gives me a unique perspective on environmental work and activism.

2. What is one of your most exciting and rewarding achievements?

My most exciting achievement thus far was getting my Master of Public Policy from Oregon State University in June 2021. It was really interesting to see how the analytical and critical thinking skills I gained in my chemistry degree can translate into other areas of academics.

3. Who is your hero (or someone you admire greatly)?

I really admire Wangari Maathai – a Kenyan social, environmental, and political activist. She founded the Green Belt Movement – which focuses on environmental conservation, women’s rights, and planting trees – was a member of the Parliament of Kenya, and won the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize. While I was impressed with her resume, reading her memoir gave me a deeper understanding and appreciation for her and her legacy.

4. What are your favorite and frequently visited websites?

I enjoy reading articles from Scientific American because some of the articles incorporate more technical science into their stories – which I enjoy coming from a scientific background. They are published by Springer, which is a trusted research publisher that I would turn to during my graduate and undergraduate work as well. I also enjoy articles by Pew Research Center, as they publish their research with graphics and easy to interpret language.

5. What is a tip you’d like to share for leading a more sustainable life?

I would suggest starting small (e.g., walking, limiting plastic) and building up from there (e.g., limiting meat consumption, electric vehicles). Also, make sure to vote sustainability by supporting politicians that make climate change an important component of their platform.

6. Do you have a personal story that ties in with one of the Reserve’s protocol sectors?

During my undergrad, I was a member of the Student Office of Sustainability – a commission of Student Senate. One thing we worked on a lot was educating the student body on how to recycle and compost correctly, mainly focusing on campus specific waste (i.e., the food/drink waste from our student center). During our waste studies (determining how well the students are sorting the waste) we found that there was a lot of wishful composting and recycling. To combat this, we added pictures to the top of the waste receptacles, did presentations before classes, and taught students how to sort while they approached the bins.

7. What is your opinion on the progress of climate policy and carbon markets (any level, intl, federal, state etc)?

I think the progress of climate policy and carbon markets at all levels are too slow. With that being said, I do acknowledge the complexity of international agreements when it comes to addressing an issue that impacts everyone, yet while respecting autonomy. The partisanship and bureaucratic nature of the federal government has made it very difficult to mitigate climate change and implement meaningful policies at the scale and pace that is necessary. As a result, I believe state governments should be the ones to act as leaders in the meantime – which can serve as a template for future federal policies.

8. If you could spend one week in a natural area in the U.S., where would it be?

Ever since I watched the Chasing Ice documentary, I’ve always wanted to go to the Artic and see ice shelves.

9. What is an environmental book that you think should be required reading in schools?

I think every environmentalist should read “Unbowed: A Memoir” by Wangari Maathai because it touches on the interconnections between science, environmental policy, and social justice. In this book she recounts her experiences growing up in rural Kenya and how it shaped her as a person and as an activist. She challenged the status quo so much so that her husband divorced her, she was arrested, and the Kenyan President called her out publicly countless times.

10. What is your favorite meal?

I love seafood pasta with garlic bread!

11. What is something about you that your professional peers would be surprised to learn?

I was surprised to learn that Craig is a Vikings fan. As a Packers fan myself, I’m pretty disappointed, but I’m looking forward to our in-office rivalry.

12. What emerging opportunities in climate / carbon excite you the most?

I read recently that in Europe that bankers will have to prove that they are contributing to a cleaner environment, or they will receive a smaller pay package. While sustainability may be difficult to quantify, their attempt to “redefine capitalism” is very interesting and I am looking forward to seeing how this unfolds.

13. What are some of your favorite books/movies/tv shows/podcasts etc?

For politics and current events, I listen to “The Daily” by The New York Times and to “Pod Save America”. I just finished “I Am Not a Monster” podcast, which talks about how a woman got involved with ISIS and moved to Syria with her young children, and “Circus”, which talks about the #FreeBrittany movement! For TV, I love reality tv like The Real Housewives, Love Island, and Hell’s Kitchen.

14. What are some of your favorite weekend activities?

While living in Oregon, I’ve really enjoyed hiking on the weekends, especially something with a great view!


Clarification released for the Mexico Forest Protocol V2.0

Clarification released for the Mexico Forest Protocol V2.0

The recording for the Biochar Protocol Kickoff Webinar held on Aug 12 is now available

The recording for the Biochar Protocol Kickoff Webinar held on Aug 12 is now available

Kristen Gorguinpour, carbon industry veteran and offset expert, re-joins Climate Action Reserve team

Kristen Gorguinpour, carbon industry veteran and offset expert, re-joins Climate Action Reserve team


Kristen Gorguinpour assumes VP of Programs role to oversee the environmental nonprofit’s rigorous voluntary and compliance offset work

LOS ANGELES, CA–The Climate Action Reserve is excited to welcome carbon industry veteran and offset expert Kristen Gorguinpour back to its senior management team as Vice President of Programs. In this role, Kristen will be overseeing the management and operations of the Reserve’s voluntary and compliance offset work, its new, innovative programs like Climate Forward and supporting the strategic expansion of the Reserve’s mission as global carbon markets grow.

“We are honored and thrilled to have Kristen returning to the Climate Action Reserve to play an integral role in leading our team and supporting the organization’s mission. She was instrumental in developing the Reserve’s offset program in its formative days and led the Reserve team that started work under California’s Cap-and-Trade Program,” said Craig Ebert, President of the Climate Action Reserve. “We are about to enter a phase of unprecedented growth and interest in the global carbon market, and to actually address climate change, it’s imperative that the market only work with high quality, transparent, rigorous standards. Kristen was integral in originally establishing the Reserve’s high quality standards and collaborating with our partners, project developers and regulatory staff. I can’t think of a stronger, more experienced individual to join our team at this critical time.”

Kristen joined the Climate Action Reserve in March 2008 and developed a deep understanding of the Reserve program and policies having served as the Reserve Administrator and progressing to become Program Director. As Program Director, Kristen led the operation of the Reserve program, including management of the program registry and accreditation process for verification bodies. During this time at the Reserve, she also worked closely on the
organization’s Forest Project Protocol and projects submitted under it and gained deep knowledge of the protocol and forestry projects.

“Since its inception, the Climate Action Reserve has set the bar for rigorous, transparent standards and it has remained vocal about the necessity for integrity. It’s wonderful to return to this pioneering organization at a time when there is tremendous opportunity to address the climate crisis through high-quality emissions reductions. As I’ve continued working with California’s Cap-and-Trade Program over the years, I’ve been proud of the support and work the Reserve provided, and I’m looking forward to working with a stellar team to carryon that level of integrity and high quality to other global markets,” said Kristen.

Register for the Biochar Protocol kickoff webinar, taking place August 12, to learn about the protocol development process

Register for the Biochar Protocol kickoff webinar, taking place August 12, to learn about the protocol development process

Errata and Clarifications released for the Adipic Acid Production Protocol V1.0

Errata and Clarifications released for the Adipic Acid Production Protocol V1.0

Nominations for Environmental Finance’s 12th Annual Voluntary Carbon Markets Rankings are open through July 23. Please consider supporting the Reserve for Best Registry Provider or Best GHG Crediting Programme.

Nominations for Environmental Finance’s 12th Annual Voluntary Carbon Markets Rankings are open through July 23. Please consider supporting the Reserve for Best Registry Provider or Best GHG Crediting Programme.